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Drive engagement in online brainstorming

Facilitate your online strategy sessions by fostering robust collaboration and engagement
Solutions for every strategy need
Brainstorming meeting
Design jams
Roadmap planning
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Your gateway to dynamic collaboration

Spark vibrant conversations & connections

Propel virtual fairs with real-time, personal interactions that mirror face-to-face engagements.
Visualize tasks with charts and diagrams
Create and edit text documents, presentations, and tables
Showcase your favourite videos from the popular platform
Share cute GIFs and stickers with colleagues

Powerful presentations, lasting impact

Host standout virtual product showcases and webinars, ensuring exhibitors shine and audiences engage.
“SpatialChat is so fun to use, so much better than Zoom, Teams, Webex, etc. very refreshing take on networking.”
Hershey Bandong
McDonald’s Canada

Crafting spaces as unique as your brand

Customize your exhibition landscape, ensuring each booth and display aligns perfectly with brand identities.

Ignite strategy talks with compelling features

Authentic group communication online

Enhance group discussions with lifelike conversations, mirroring the authenticity of physical interactions in your strategy sessions.
Visualize tasks with charts and diagrams
Create and edit text documents, presentations, and tables
Showcase your favourite videos from the popular platform
Share cute GIFs and stickers with colleagues

Customization for varied strategic needs

From brainstorming to networking, customize a virtual venue for each aspect of your session, boosting engagement and productivity.
Visualize tasks with charts and diagrams
Create and edit text documents, presentations, and tables
Showcase your favourite videos from the popular platform
Share cute GIFs and stickers with colleagues

Seamless integrations and collaborative tools

Integrate your preferred software and share various files effortlessly, all within the room, for a streamlined, tab-switch-free experience.
Visualize tasks with charts and diagrams
Create and edit text documents, presentations, and tables
Showcase your favourite videos from the popular platform
Share cute GIFs and stickers with colleagues

Ignite strategy talks with compelling features

Access Roles and Permissions
Enhance your event's privacy and optimize guest lists with our secure, invitation-only spaces, including email verification for attendees' authenticity.
Locked room
Exercise precise control over participant attendance, utilizing multiple locked and hidden rooms tailored to your session's needs.
Leverage our 24/7 support to ensure smooth onboarding and ongoing assistance, making your strategy session a hassle-free experience.
Day pass
Opt for our daily subscription, an ideal solution for one-time events, combining cost savings with full access to premium services.
Get it now
Enhance your strategy session's security and user experience with SAML SSO, ensuring smooth, secure access for all participants.
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Actionable Insights
Utilize comprehensive reporting to inform your strategy session's success, integrating crucial attendee data for post-event strategies.
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Here’s what our clients say

“Dataconomy has been super impressed with SpatialChat. In fact, we now use it instead of other video-conferencing tools for every meeting.”

Stewart Rogers
Editor-in-Chief, Dataconomy

Whoever invented this platform really is a genius! So much fun at our Team Happy Hour! Great time connecting with colleagues in an interactive way Perfect for our Team Happy Hour, the breakout rooms were amazing and platform features are just Awesome!

Hershey Bandong
Executive Assistant, McDonald’s Canada

Catalyze collaborative strategic sessions!

Streamline planning and decision-making with SpatialChat’s immersive, collaborative tools.