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Improve your remote team experience

Ignite seamless teamwork in a virtual space mirroring the dynamics of a physical office, enhancing everyday interactions.
Your ideal choice for any team
Sales & Customer Success
Human resource
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Your gateway to dynamic collaboration

Spark vibrant conversations & connections

Propel virtual fairs with real-time, personal interactions that mirror face-to-face engagements.
Visualize tasks with charts and diagrams
Create and edit text documents, presentations, and tables
Showcase your favourite videos from the popular platform
Share cute GIFs and stickers with colleagues

Powerful presentations, lasting impact

Host standout virtual product showcases and webinars, ensuring exhibitors shine and audiences engage.
“SpatialChat is so fun to use, so much better than Zoom, Teams, Webex, etc. very refreshing take on networking.”
Hershey Bandong
McDonald’s Canada

Crafting spaces as unique as your brand

Customize your exhibition landscape, ensuring each booth and display aligns perfectly with brand identities.

Features fueling efficient virtual offices

Real-feel interactions, virtually

Emulate the ease of in-office chats with free-flowing, spontaneous virtual communication and collaboration.
Visualize tasks with charts and diagrams
Create and edit text documents, presentations, and tables
Showcase your favourite videos from the popular platform
Share cute GIFs and stickers with colleagues

Craft your custom virtual office

Design your ideal workspace, from meeting areas to team-building rooms, using versatile backgrounds and themes.
Visualize tasks with charts and diagrams
Create and edit text documents, presentations, and tables
Showcase your favourite videos from the popular platform
Share cute GIFs and stickers with colleagues

Seamless team collaboration tools

Interact with shared documents within SpatialChat, avoiding tab-switching and creating a repository for essential resources.
Visualize tasks with charts and diagrams
Create and edit text documents, presentations, and tables
Showcase your favourite videos from the popular platform
Share cute GIFs and stickers with colleagues

Work together on projects

Embed your preferred external services, interact with them, participate in joint activities, record results, and communicate from a central hub. Let’s explore how this immersive flow allows managing a project from start to finish.

Own the stage

Host impactful all-hands meetings or town halls, providing a platform for leaders to connect with the entire team.

Specialized tools for office management

Event reporting
Harness detailed reports post-event to understand attendee engagement and refine your virtual office strategies.
Access Roles and Permissions
Exercise precise control over user access, tailoring workspace permissions for seamless operation and moderation.
Streamline entry with SAML SSO, bolstering security and ensuring hassle-free access for all office participants.
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Here’s what our clients say

“Dataconomy has been super impressed with SpatialChat. In fact, we now use it instead of other video-conferencing tools for every meeting.”

Stewart Rogers
Editor-in-Chief, Dataconomy

Whoever invented this platform really is a genius! So much fun at our Team Happy Hour! Great time connecting with colleagues in an interactive way Perfect for our Team Happy Hour, the breakout rooms were amazing and platform features are just Awesome!

Hershey Bandong
Executive Assistant, McDonald’s Canada

Cultivate a thriving virtual office culture!

Bridge the remote work gap, fostering a connected, engaging, and collaborative atmosphere with SpatialChat.